(773) 259-3571
825 W 118th St, Chicago IL 60643
who we are


The concept of a The Sheldon Heights Church of Christ (SHCC) home for seniors originated in the mind of our late minister, Brother Samuel L. Jordan. He believed strongly in the idea of caring for senior citizens and that Sheldon Heights could, should and would contribute to the lives of those treasured individuals. After more than twenty years of faith, dedication and determination, this vision, under the leadership of current minister, Brother Leonardo D. Gilbert, is now realized, and the long anticipated Kennedy Jordan Manor (KJM) project has finally come to fruition.

who we are The name, Kennedy Jordan Manor, was chosen to honor two visionary leaders of Sheldon Heights Church of Christ. These men of faith provided the solid foundation of sacrificial giving that made this project a possibility. This facility, a fitting tribute to the legacies of Brother Levi Kennedy, Jr. and Brother Samuel L. Jordan, will proudly bear the names of these two great men.

The The Sheldon Heights Church of Christ and Kennedy Jordan Manor, Inc. Board are grateful to the members of The Sheldon Heights Church of Christ (some who have come and gone waiting for the culmination of this endeavor) for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout this journey. We also thank our community for yet another opportunity to service its needs.

The Kennedy Jordan Manor Senior Living Project, a 63,500 square foot senior facility, offer its residents (55 years and older), a safe and affordable home, with a variety of quality services and activities, specifically designed to enrich their lives.


KJM will provide affordable, secure, modern housing in the West Pullman area for qualified men and women 55 years and older.


KJM sees itself as an anchor in a neighborhood on the verge of revitalization and a haven for those seeking to reside with likeminded individuals in a positive living environment.

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Copyright © 2025 Kennedy-Jordan Manor, Inc. • All rights reserved
825 W 118th St, Chicago IL 60643
P. (773) 259-3571 • E. info@kennedyjordanmanor.com